• Faith, Fear, Freedom

    And just like that……all the children became home schooled….nobody cared about truancy…nobody was concerned about socialization…nobody worried about attendance…nobody noticed if they were barefoot….what used to be important… suddenly wasn’t.


    It always amazes me when people say they don’t believe in God because they can’t see Him.  Yet we can’t see germs either and people do not question the reality of the disease.

    We don’t want anyone to get sick from this.  However, this is a political virus as well as a physical virus.  The effects of the physical virus will be over before we recover from the Socialism and the sudden lurch forward of big government.  This Bakersfield doctors’ video explains why this overreaction is doing more harm than good.  You can watch it here: 

  • Had Enough Yet?

    This is a picture from the rally at the Missouri Capitol this week.  We have some serious Constitutional issues at stake.  


    Have you had enough of this quarantine yet?  I have to admit, I am enjoying a reason to slow my life down and reconnect with my kids, my kitchen and my piano.  I’m also enjoying the lower gas prices and the ability to drive on our roads with much less traffic!  It’s been great having my son home from school.  What a relief to not have to wake up at 6:00 every morning!  We’re having a wonderful time.  It’s been so pleasurable, I am starting to wonder if we will be disappointed when we have to go back to work!

    Yet, as much as I am enjoying my badly needed vacation, we must acknowledge that there are many injustices happening every day.  As the numbers are being tallied, the reports show that the virus was not nearly as bad as predicted.  While we are finding out the worst is already past, local governments are way behind the curve in implementing new, more aggressive and more hostile measures.  Many have gone “hog wild” with a blatant disregard for human rights.  Some are shutting down parks, where there is no problem and arresting innocent people for merely being outside!  It appears the goal has changed to augment human suffering and cause the greatest harm possible.

  • Government Canceling Church

    This is the yard sign my parents have in their front yard.  If you’re not familiar with it, please look it up, but here’s a small excerpt:  “This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. 3 For he rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague.”


    Are you depressed with this shut down?  When is it enough?  What has happened to us?

    I never thought I’d see the day when we would cancel church so easily.  In some states there are police officers taking down license plate numbers if they see cars at a church.  In other states, they’re trying to fine people.  Yet, they are still allowing people to shop at Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Costco and grocery stores.

    Where are all the people who used to scream, “Separation of Church and State!”

  • Living in the Days of Lot

    As this coronavirus continues, my hope is that we will emerge on the other side stronger and braver and more godly than ever before.  Some people are asking if we were ripe for God’s judgement.   With how we’re acting, how can we not expect His judgement?  Some parts are so bad, we should cringe.

    This is a political virus. Our political immune system is broken down. We are now vulnerable to this virus because we have an underlying condition. We lost our fear of God. We’ve lost our fear of big government (a.k.a. Socialiam). We’ve got broken families and broken churches. Without our political antibodies, we’re vulnerable to anything that comes along. 

  • America’s Favorite Lawyer


    Today we interview America’s Favorite lawyer, Darrell Castle.  Darrell comes to us today to discuss the hysteria surrounding the corona virus.

    While it’s impossible for us to predict the future, there are some signs that add up.  On our show today, we help you connect the dots to see what’s really happening.

  • Coronavirus

    No, she is not shooting him with a gun.  She’s shooting him with a thermometer!  People cannot enter the St. Louis City Hall unless they can prove they have no fever.  I’m not as worried about the Coronavirus as I am worried about the government ruining my life and my business.  While some people are busy at the stores buying up all the toilet paper, our Congress was busy trying to pass new laws and our Governors were trying to declare emergencies in our states.  Our schools and most restaurants and churches are closed.

    When our Country was attacked on 9/11, the government spent huge sums of taxpayer dollars to permanently change our way of life, including the TSA, which offers mandatory harassment of all the passengers before they can ride airplanes.  Are the “Big Government” proponents using this to take away more of our freedoms?