Ask Cynthia to Speak

Thank you for your interest in our message. Cynthia is available for radio interviews to speak at your church, ladies meeting or political event. Our mission is to create a lasting impact in the lives of all who attend. With a balanced mix of humor and wisdom, Cynthia will share her inside stories of how we can interpret life’s events into lessons on which to build our future. We have a message you’ll not hear anywhere else. Our efforts are focused on changing the world, one thought at a time!
What We Believe
After having spent decades in government trying to correct the course of our Country, I have come to realize that we won’t see any real change until the hearts of the people come back to the Biblical principles that made our Nation great.
To that end, my efforts are spent on helping people see that all of our politically expedient efforts must be directed at changing hearts and refocusing our desires.
For too long, the church has shunned politics and for too long the politicians have shunned the church. Yet, we can’t afford to ignore each other any longer.
This flawed understanding is causing us to lose our freedom of speech and our freedom of religion. Many church members and clergy members are afraid to state the obvious for fear of offending anyone.
We cannot afford to sacrifice our free speech on the altar of political correctness! We must learn to engage our culture and speak the truth in a way that will re-channel the discussions and thereby secure the blessings of liberty in our lives, our families, our future and our country.
Cynthia is a member of Christian Women Speakers, view her profile here.
Speaking Topics:
- Navigating Safely Through All the Seasons of Life
- When Children Go Whack.
- Best tips: Caregiving for Elderly Parents
- The Purpose of God in Government
- What Does it Mean to be “Salt” and “Light”?
Contact Me
For interviews or speaking engagements, email me at or use this contact form.
Attendee Comments
- Thoroughly enjoyed the program. The speaker presented her message in such an entertaining manner, making the analogy creative and easy to apply to our lives and to share.
- Absolutely excellent program. I vote for you.
- I enjoyed your talk so much – keep it up.
- An excellent talk. We appreciate you very much.
- Thank you for such an interesting comparison with your government experience and the eternal decision, plus your exciting delivery. It was great!
- The speaker, Cynthia, was the best ever! Her message was so great in sharing Jesus’ message of salvation – it was so clear!