This is Going To Be a Great Year!

Sometimes when we hear news about the state of our country and our economy, we can tend to feel like nothing is making a difference. Yet, we have a few bright spots to share with you. One of the highlights was launching our pod-cast.
Last week, we BROKE ALL RECORDS for the number of people listening to our show. Do you believe people can change the course of the country by throwing new ideas into the media marketplace? While many unthinking Americans appear to be gobbling up whatever slop the mainstream media throws into the feeding trough, I am here to serve a balanced meal filled with the kind of nutritious ideas that can make our country healthy again.
Regardless of what you hear—there are some bright spots!
Tonight, tune in to hear the latest pod-cast with Randy Stufflebeam. We will get his take on the idea of having a Convention of the States. If you have not studied this topic, listening to our pod-cast will give you a quick primer of what it is and help you develop your own philosophy toward this idea.
This photo was snapped in the hallway while we were at the convention in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. My first trip there was when I attended an American Legislative Exchange Council meeting as a legislator. This time, I was among even closer friends from the Constitution Party. Pictured with me were Janine Hansen, Chairman of Nevada Eagle Forum, Randy Stufflebeam Vice Chairman of the Constitution Party and Mary Starrett former candidate for Governor of Oregon,
What can you do to make this year better?
1.) Thank you for responding to our survey to help us make this a better newsletter. If you didn’t have an opportunity to respond, we will be sending you another one in a few weeks.
2.) Listen to our pod-cast tonight when we interview Randy Stufflebeam for his perspective.
3.) Send us topics or contact information from someone you would would like to hear on our Home Front show.
4.) Forward this to any of your friends who care about constitutional issues and ask them to subscribe to our newsletter. We all benefit by being informed.
Home Front This Week:
Is there a way to improve our U.S. Constitution? Want to learn the latest scoop on the Article V Convention? Join us for a rousing discussion with Randy Stufflebeam, Vice-Chairman of the Constitution Party. Randy will share with us the insider’s track on the real issues embedded into the Article V Convention. If you were able to hear our show with Dave Cort, (listen here), you won’t want to miss this episode to offer you the counter points we all must realize as we continue this important debate.
You can listen to Cynthia’s radio show right here:
Home Front is also part of the Missouri Grassroots Radio lineup of pod-casts and can be heard live most Tuesday evenings at 8:00 pm Central Time, at
A Little Bit of Humor
I have only one resolution…to understand
the differences between wants and needs.
May I have all I need and want all I have.
Happy New Year to all of you!!!

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I’m sure Bill Maher can tell how often the word occupation, let alone the details of it, are mentioned in the US Media. Bill Maher, the Big Debunker of Religion, has his own sacred cow. He’s still pissed becausehe didn’t find out he was half-Jewish until late in his teens. The Pals need to pay, and keep paying for this personal clich, and the US taxpayers need to keep paying for Zionism.
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Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!