What is a Conservative?

What is a conservative? The word has become so abused, it is nearly beyond recognition. Recently the Conservative Political Action Conference created national news over its identity crisis. With so many political candidates claiming to be “Conservative” on their election materials, they should be sued for false advertising.
A lot of “Tea Party Movement” sympathizers consider themselves to be conservative, yet the future of the Tea Party Movement is in question. Recently two tea party candidates lost their elections and some are wondering what that means.
One of the criticisms of the Conservative Political Action Committee, (CPAC) is that they did not include a pro-life panel or a marriage panel in their latest conference. Many are now wondering how this organization can ignore these two major social issues. CPAC is a collection of those who are considered the best and brightest conservatives in our county. The direction this group goes is a good barometer of our national commitment to conservative values.
To be clear, CPAC is not the Republican Party. It is respected as the rallying point for the conservative wing of the Republican Party.

Just like a good dog can tell when something smells like drugs or a bomb, we all need to develop the skill of sniffing out policies that are taking our government in the wrong direction. Any organization or political party can veer to the left on the political spectrum. Voters who claim to be conservative need to decide what is more important: our values or a political party. Evil dictators and cult leaders emerge when people stop thinking about their core principles and transfer their loyalty to a person or organization.
Ever since Adam and Eve messed up in the Garden of Eden, our world has had many more examples of people making wrong decisions. The virtue of our Government, political party, labor union or religious organization is a reflection of the virtue of the people.
What You Can Do:
1.) Help others in your sphere of influence understand the correct definition of a conservative. We should not vote for candidates who claim to be conservative if they will not take a position on life or marriage.
2.) Listen to our special guest, John Davis, who is on the staff at the Leadership Institute as he describes the problems our nation is facing and the right way to understand where we are today along with some remedies we might want to consider.
3.) Help us spread the facts to others who need to hear. Any donation you send will be used to help further our research to inform others. You can mail a check to Cynthia Davis, 1008 Highway K, O’Fallon, MO 63366.
Home Front This Week:
Today we have a great show for you with John Davis of the Leadership Institute. John is a credentialed political scientist and philosopher and helps us look at politics from the viewpoint of one who is within the Washington DC culture.
Mr. Davis is one of the chief fund raisers for the Leadership Institute, an organization committed to training conservative candidates so they can win their elections.
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