Spread Too Thin

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!  This is a picture of us with all of our children in chronological order.  Talk about being spread thin!  Some things we never will give up.


Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of success at doing something that doesn’t really matter.

So many good activists and patriots are exhausted by living in a state of frantic living instead of enjoying abundant lives.  If the Devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy—too busy to be any good for others.  Ultimately, we will feel starved and unfulfilled in our lives.

We all know we should do something to make the world a better place, but what happens when we’re spread too thin?  The answer is not to lop off everything, but to take time to stay refreshed with what brings meaning and joy in our lives. 

Too many people have become burned out with doing so many good things, they eventually have nothing left to contribute.  The condition of our lives has less to do with our schedules and more to do with our hearts and our sense of peace.  When you let God take burdens off your mind, it will allow all of us to have more joy in our lives.

The goal is not to sit around and do nothing.  The goal is to find joy in whatever we’re doing.  Unload, lighten up and be happy.  I used to sell a book in my bookstore entitled, I don’t suffer from insanity.  I’m enjoying every minute of it!  The only way to have peace is to believe that God has everything under control. This is the secret to our effectiveness.   May you all flourish in the things that really matter.

What do you do to keep yourself from being spread too thin?

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One Comment

  • Jennifer Bird

    I am practicing saying “no” more and more these days. Simple word, difficult practice. Of course, the looks of shock I receive in response are priceless!

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